Thank you Laura of for nominating my blog!! The part about nominating seven blogs is going to be hard!! I don't follow that many, hopefully this will help me connect with more people.
The rules of this award are:
- Thank the person who nominated you (manners, people! manners!).
- Add the “One Lovely Blog Award” image to your post.
- Share 7 things about you.
- Pass the award on to seven nominees.
- Include this set of rules (important, otherwise confusion and mass hysteria ensues).
- Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.
7 things about me:
- I grew up on a farm, the 6th child in a family of 9. I was raised by parents who grew up during the Depression, which reflected in the way they raised us. As kids we were expected to contribute to the family, be responsible and accountable for our behavior, this is what shaped me into the person I am today.
- I married my high school sweetheart 5 months after graduation, and we celebrated 35 years on Dec 3. We have 3 sons, and 2 daughters that have brought some wonderful and some challenging experiences to our lives,lol.They in turn have blessed us with three grandsons and two step-grandsons. Being grandparents is awesome!!
- I spent the first 30 years of our marriage being a stay at home Mom and doing the bookkkeeping for John's business. My life was the kids and John. When our youngest left home in 2007 I cured my empty nest depression in the sewing room. The more I sewed the better I liked it and the happier I felt.
- John travels for work, so I am alone a lot. Most days I like it. I get a lot of sewing done, don't have to cook most days, and I can clean house on Monday and it stays clean all week! I like a clean house but I don't like to clean!!
- We live on 160 acres, plant a huge garden, and mow a lawn as big as a small hay field! When the kids were home we kept making the lawn bigger...more lawn, more for them to do,haha. Now that it is my job, I want some ornamental grass that doesn't need mowed!!
- Our oldest daughter Cassandra and I started Rag Bag Originals in 2007. We started out making bags using old clothing, then added memory quilts from loved ones clothing. As life changes, she is now married and has a whole new life. I have stopped making the bags and gone to fleece mittens and doll clothes. I still make memory quilts as I get orders.
- My have a store front for Rag Bag Originals, so the girls can shop for doll clothes and have tea and scones with their dolls.